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Las subestimadas recompensas de tomar el celular y llamar

Jun 24, 2024 4:59:09 AM | The underrated rewards of picking up your cell phone and calling

Don't underestimate the enormous rewards that come with picking up your cell phone and call! Establish long term business relationships. Always helping!

The underrated rewards of picking up your cell phone and calling

Now is the perfect time to pick up your phone and make that call!

In today's digital age, dominated by emails and social media outreach, phone calls may seem like a relic of the past. However, hidden within this perception lies a powerful gem often overlooked: warm calls. Warm calls involve reaching out to potential customers who have already shown some level of interest in your product or service, or whom you have researched and know you can assist. While not as flashy as social media marketing, warm calls offer a unique set of advantages that should not be dismissed.

Here's why warm calls deserve a spot in your growth marketing strategy:

  • Higher Conversion Rates: Compared to cold calls, warm calls have a significantly higher probability of turning into a sale. Since the prospect is already somewhat familiar with your offering and is starting from a position of trust and interest. This allows you to focus on building a relationship and tailor your presentation to specific needs or uncover opportunities.

  • Meaningful Conversations: Warm calls are less about generic scripts and more about dialectics and having real genuine conversations. Understanding and researching the prospect, knowing the names of the people who work or help them, the industry, the website, the social networks, the catalog, the offer or knowing the prospect interest, allows you to personalize the approach and address their questions or concerns into a specific and forceful way, so he will fell peace to speak and ask. This fosters a much deeper connection and builds trust, which is invaluable. 

  • Faster Sales Cycles: Since warm prospects have already been studied, researched, pre-qualified, and have some level of knowledge, the sales cycle is typically much shorter. In many instances, you can skip the initial introduction phase and jump straight into a conversation about how your product or service can solve problems, seize opportunities, and drive cash.

  • Building Relationships: A successful warm call is not just about making a sale; it's about building long-lasting relationships. By taking the time to understand, research, and grasp the prospect's needs and providing valuable information, you position yourself as a trusted and highly credible advisor. This not only increases the chances of closing the initial deal but also lays the groundwork for future opportunities and consistent cash flow movements.

  • Improve Prospect Qualification: Even if a warm call doesn't result in an immediate sale, it’s a valuable tool for prospect qualification, market understanding, and cultivating discipline, humility, and resilience. It's not easy, you may face many closed doors! Through the conversation, you can gather valuable information about the prospect's needs, budget, decision-making process, among other aspects. This information can be utilized to fine-tune your strategy, targeting, and ensure that you are focusing your efforts on the most promising prospects.

    I recommend listening to some insights about the philosophical principles of a salesperson, manager, or executive, in this podcast:

How to Make Warm Calls Work

  • Dialectics: The art of conversation. It is a branch of philosophy that revolves around presenting or contrasting a specific belief, paradigm, conception, or tradition, understood as a thesis, and showing how reaching a compromise at a midpoint can solve problems, break paradigms, and perhaps generate contradictions or antitheses that challenge and inspire Grow.
  • Conduct your research: Before reaching out or applying dialectics, gather information about the prospect, their company, website, social media, and more. Dive deeper into understanding their needs, opportunities and pain points. This will enable you to personalize your approach and address their specific needs more effectively.

  • Record the calls, listen to them and practice: When you listen to the calls you generate a lot of empathy, you identify your tone and you give yourself the opportunity to improve.

  • Focus on value: Instead of just pushing a sale, shift your focus to providing and generating value by offering information, opportunities, new insights, addressing pain points, and showcasing how your product or service can benefit them. Let them lead the conversation and only start talking when they ask - their needs should guide the discussion.

  • Listen: Warm calls are two-way conversations, not one-way. Listen carefully to the prospect's concerns and adapt the conversation accordingly. Ask open-ended questions. Start the conversation warmly and then gradually close it out.

  • Follow-up: Don't let the prospect slip through the cracks, patience and perseverance are key. Identify the best time to connect. Follow up with thank-you emails and keep the conversation going by offering additional resources or addressing any other questions. And remember to utilize video content as well.

You may find it interesting: 12 types of videos for your marketing and growth strategy.

In conclusion, despite the digital era introducing new communication channels, warm calls remain and will continue to be a powerful tool. Leveraging their unique advantages allows you to cultivate meaningful long-term relationships, qualify prospects, and close more lasting and profitable deals. So, pick up the phone, dust off a warm call script, and unlock the potential of this often underestimated sales technique.

👉🏽 We have developed growth marketing strategy packages that can help you if you are ahead of schedule. Or if you want to get started, we have the PROGRAM: Structure your Marketing and Growth Strategy in 4 Conversations” which you can sign up for here.👈🏽

Sebastián Quintana Tamayo

Written By: Sebastián Quintana Tamayo