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12 tipos de video para tu estrategia de marketing y crecimiento

Jun 16, 2024 10:25:10 AM | 12 types of video for your growth marketing strategy

Boost your Growth Marketing Strategy with 12 types of videos! From product demos to testimonials, discover how videos can enhance your brand's credibility and drive customer engagement.

Video has become the primary medium for reaching your target audience and engaging with current and potential customers.

Check out these statistics:

  • 91% of customers are eager to watch more online videos from brands.
  • 89% of customers were convinced to make a purchase after watching a video.
  • 92% of marketing specialists have reported a positive return on investment with video.

People are eager to watch videos.

So, let's give them a show of videos!

Many people think that creating videos is a complex process that requires a lot of equipment, but that's not the case. Once you have created them, they become valuable assets for your company that can be used repeatedly. These videos are not only for sharing on platforms or social media but also for enhancing sales processes, customer service, resources, cross-selling, and various other applications. The possibilities are nearly endless.

With video marketing, companies have numerous opportunities to connect with existing customers and those seeking new solutions but have not yet decided. Videos build trust, raise awareness, foster affinity, and more.

Let's explore some of the types of videos that you can utilize.

1. Product videos

In many instances, static or fixed images and texts alone may not fully reflect the essence of the product, especially when downloaded from the internet. It is crucial to provide individuals with a comprehensive view of how the product or service functions, and that's where a video explaining the product or service becomes one of the most effective tools.

Check out this example in the industrial sector: TEATID gaskets at Comstal Panama

2. About us videos

Who are you? How does your office look like? What solutions or products are you providing? What is your culture like? About Us Videos give you the chance to share your story through quick shots, images, and background audio to complement the text. They can be created swiftly, boosting your company or brand's credibility in minutes, even seconds. About Us Videos can play a crucial role in making the decision to reach out to you.

Check out this example in the industrial electrical sector: Dielco's Active Breaks.

3. Sales and engagement videos

What's better than a sales email that will likely get buried in an inbox? A personalized video is much more engaging and allows your sales reps to communicate face-to-face while capturing and holding the customer's attention.

Check out this example in the food sector: Lust Chocolate Bar.

4. Testimonial videos

Customer reviews, testimonials, and feedback are powerful and convincing. Utilize videos showcasing authentic customer experiences. This can be a determining factor in encouraging potential customers to proceed with purchasing the product or service.

Check out this example in the industrial sector: Mecanicad Success Story.

5. Case study videos

Take a text case study and transform it into a video. This way, viewers will learn about the case through moving images and audio, making it more engaging and impactful without the need for multiple clicks.

Check out this example in the industrial sector: Invitation to Mecanicad blog.

6. Videos answering frequently asked questions

Answer some of the frequently asked questions that your sales and customer service teams receive with videos. This builds immediate trust, resolves buyers' doubts, and saves you a lot of time. Keep in mind that you can even use these videos as an opportunity to showcase additional benefits. Be careful not to reveal everything at once; leave something for personal face-to-face contact.

7. Videos about what to do or how to do it

People love to learn autonomously, especially in an increasingly digital world. Therefore, consider giving them the opportunity to learn something new and engage with an attractive video that explains procedures, provides instructions, or shows them how to use your products or what to expect when purchasing your services.

Check out this example in the electrical sector: Flash The Electrician at Dielco.

8. Explanatory videos

Explanatory videos clarify or analyze complex processes, making it easier to execute. They explain what a product is about or how it is installed, how you will receive the service, or even explain concepts or terms in an engaging way through videos and conversations.

Check out this example in the food sector: Production Process Logotipos & Chocolates.

9. Before & after videos

Seeing the results of using your products or services is a powerful way to showcase your effectiveness and capabilities quickly and clearly. You can use images, photos that create a comparison, animations, or simply share your screen to display the outcome. Avoid trying to impress with elaborate setups; focus on showing exactly what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

10. Internal and human resources Videos

Let's not forget about videos for internal training and human resources!

Marketing and human resources departments should be closely linked. A strong brand will attract not only customers but also individuals interested in working with you.

HR departments can rely on their marketing partner to help create content that attracts, convinces, and delights job candidates, and also make easier training and induction processes.

11. Organizational culture videos

You should go beyond just having a video showcasing your company; focus on your organizational culture to discover numerous opportunities. Show your employees in action, whether they're working, in a company meeting, taking a break, or interacting with clients. This way, potential employees can get a sense of what to expect when working there, while clients or prospects can see how you operate in real-life situations, creating value for them and the community.

Check out this example in the construction sector: Fajobe is...

12. Video for employee onboarding and training

Maintain consistent and engaging onboarding and training with step-by-step videos that review important concepts, such as completing documents or undergoing safety training. Having them in video format allows employees to revisit them at any time, eliminating the need to repeat the same information over and over again.


Otros tipos de vídeos que no mencionamos aquí incluyen firmas de correo electrónico, seminarios web y promociones de productos.



Sebastián Quintana Tamayo

Written By: Sebastián Quintana Tamayo